An Aurora couple shares the secrets to their success for love and life. The 94-year-olds just took part in the, “Forever Young Adult Prom” at Aurora’s Center for Active Adults. Also on this episode, the Community College of Aurora breaks ground on their first new building in 20 years, and it will be geared towards in-demand career training programs; Aurora gets ready for winter with the annual, “Snow Plow Road-eo;” and take part in the city’s first-ever, “Agriculture Festival” at Aurora’s Plains Conservation Center. Those stories, and much more, this week on AuroraNow.
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Homeless Services Resource Guide
Havana/11th/Del Mar Improvement Project
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Agricultural Festival at the Plains Conservation Center
City of Aurora Veterans Salute Tickets
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365 Health Free and Low-Cost Health Fairs in Aurora
Aurora Center for Active Adults
Hispanic Heritage Month Exhibits at Aurora Public Libraries